A Relationship with Constellation Starts Here
Constellation has a supplier-sourcing database. We want your business in that database, with a profile you create that helps us know your business and the ways in which you might help ours. Once you’ve registered, you will receive a confirmation message from the system that you have successfully created a supplier profile.
When you register and create a profile, your company is simply brought to our attention.
Being registered implies no promise of a contract or contracts.
Registration allows Constellation to more easily identify potential suppliers whom Constellation may want to choose to participate in a sourcing event and compete for work. Contract awards follow Constellation’s established procedures for competitive bidding, evaluation and negotiation. The steps in the competitive bidding process include a thorough financial and quality assurance evaluation to ensure suitability with Constellation’s standards of excellence. Registration does not imply a promise by Constellation to either include a supplier in a sourcing event or enter into a contract(s) for work.