Newsroom: Press Release

FitzPatrick and Nine Mile Point Employees Donate $380,000 to Community Organizations Through Employee Giving Campaign

OSWEGO, N.Y. – Exelon Generation employees and the Exelon Foundation are donating more than $4.6 million to support charitable organizations in the communities around its power plants. Employees pledged more than $3.1 million to 849 different charities in their local communities this year. And for every dollar employees pledged, the Exelon Foundation donated 50 cents to their local United Way, bringing the total donation to more than $4.6 million.

At James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant and Nine Mile Point Nuclear Generating Station in Oswego, NY, employees pledged more than $380,000 to more than 300 charitable organizations during this year’s Employee Giving Campaign. Local organizations receiving support include Oswego County Opportunities, ARISE Child and Family Services, Griffin’s Guardians, and Oswego Industries, Inc.  

“It takes special individuals coming together to make a community stronger. As a leader in philanthropy to the United Way of Greater Oswego County, Exelon Generation provides more than generous support to advance our mission of ending hunger, helping children and youth succeed, and ensuring health and wellness to citizens of all ages in every corner of our county,” said United Way Executive Director Patrick Dewine. “Their pivotal support provides hope, help and healing to our most vulnerable neighbors. Combining the volunteer efforts and generosity of Exelon Generation with our partner agency programs, children succeed in school, families become more financially stable and people are offered a healthier lifestyle.”

“We have strong bonds with the communities that surround our nuclear energy facilities,” said Bryan Hanson, Exelon Nuclear chief nuclear officer. “We believe strongly in investing where we live, work and serve.”

Exelon Generation employees have a long-standing tradition of supporting their communities, not just with their dollars, but also with their time. Through Nov. 30, 2019, Exelon Generation employees at FitzPatrick and Nine Mile Point volunteered more than 4,800 hours with charitable organizations in the local area. 

Across Exelon Generation, employees volunteered 38,000 hours this year, which is equal to more than four years’ time. Projects supported workforce development programs, STEM education events, environmental causes, food pantries and veterans’ organizations, among many others.

The Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station is a dual unit nuclear power facility that produces more than 1,937 megawatts of carbon free electricity – enough to power nearly two million homes. The nearby 838 megawatt James A. FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant generates carbon free electricity for more than 800,000 homes and businesses. The stations are located about seven miles northeast of Oswego and 50 miles north of Syracuse. 

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David Snyder