Newsroom: Press Release

Constellation Named Most Committed Energy Corporation for Diversity and Inclusion by Maryland Washington Minority Companies Association

BALTIMORE (May 12, 2023) — The Maryland Washington Minority Companies Association (MWMCA) today recognized Constellation (NASDAQ: CEG) as the “2023 Most Committed Energy Corporation for Diversity and Inclusion”. The award was presented to Constellation at MWMCA’s 20th Annual Spring Breakfast and Business Showcase Expo in Baltimore, attended by around 2,000 of the region’s minority businesses, large businesses, private partners, legislators, community leaders and other key stakeholders.

“We thank MWMCA for recognizing the strong and intentional focus we’ve placed on diversity, equity and inclusion right out of the gate as a new company, as well the passionate and dedicated employees leading those efforts,” said André Wallace, vice president, Business Diversity, Constellation. “When we think about driving economic inclusion, it’s about integrating DEI, workforce development and supplier diversity. It’s the integration of these three pillars that enables underserved individuals and communities to grow, prosper and thrive in society.”

Constellation’s recent DEI progress includes:

  • Launching a $1 million workforce development program as part of its commitment to foster equitable change in underserved communities. Powering Change is providing grants to five nonprofit organizations focused on improving job awareness and training, providing advancement and upskilling opportunities and breaking down employment barriers for individuals from underrepresented communities.
  • Signing a historic pledge alongside North America’s Building Trades Unions (NABTU) to increase diversity in the building trades among populations that have not historically worked in the energy industry. The pledge applies to all Constellation building trades projects and seeks to increase access, equity and advancement opportunities for underrepresented groups, such as women and communities of color. The pledge also sets standards to eliminate bias and create a culture of belonging in all aspects of recruitment, hiring, training, and retention practices.
  • Establishing the Constellation Scholars program, which commits $1.5M over 10 years in scholarship funding for roughly 100 students through partnerships with colleges/universities and nonprofit organizations.
  • Creating the Supplier Diversity Business Advocate Team, a cross-functional group of leaders working to expand supplier diversity within their respective lines of business. Constellation increased its spend with diverse businesses by $200M in 2022.
  • Allocating 87% of the company’s direct giving in 2022 to support organizations, programs or events targeted specifically to diverse populations.

In 2002, MWMCA originated to advocate for minority and women construction trade contractors because so much work was being completed without the utilization of said firms. In 2013, MWMCA expanded its scope of work to include all types of companies: trade contractors, suppliers, and service providers. MWMCA has a unique offering of services with one mission in mind, “Connecting Large & Small Businesses to Work Together.”


About Constellation

Constellation Energy Corporation (Nasdaq: CEG), a Fortune 200 company headquartered in Baltimore, is the nation’s largest producer of reliable, emissions-free energy and a leading energy supplier to businesses, homes and public sector customers nationwide, including three-fourths of Fortune 100 companies. With annual output that is nearly 90% carbon-free, our hydro, wind and solar facilities paired with the nation’s largest nuclear fleet have the generating capacity to power the equivalent of 16 million homes, providing about 10% of the nation’s clean energy. We are committed to investing in innovative technologies to drive the transition to a reliable, sustainable and secure energy future. Follow Constellation on LinkedIn and X.

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