Newsroom: Press Release

Nine Mile Point Unit 1 Offline

OSWEGO, N.Y. – Nine Mile Point Unit 1 automatically shut down at 11:58 a.m. Wednesday when a component failed in the system that regulates water level during normal operation. Operators responded and all safety systems functioned as designed. 

Technicians will repair and fully test the system before returning Unit 1 to service. Nine Mile Point Unit 2 remains online. The Unit 1 outage will not impact electrical service to customers.

The Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station is located seven miles northeast of Oswego and 50 miles north of Syracuse. The station can produce more than 1,937 megawatts of carbon-free electricity – enough to power nearly two million homes. Join us on Twitter and YouTube

Media Inquiries

If you are a member of the media, please contact:

Paul Adams

David Snyder