Newsroom: Press Release

Limerick Generating Station Unit 2 at Full Power

POTTSTOWN, PA (Oct. 20, 2017) —  Limerick Generating Station operators returned Unit 2 to full power at approximately 4 a.m. on October 20, after completing a planned maintenance outage that began on October 9. During the brief outage, technicians performed maintenance on a recirculating water pump and performed inspections and tests before returning the unit to service.

Limerick Generating Station is a nuclear energy facility located in southeastern Pennsylvania, about 20 miles northwest of Philadelphia in Montgomery County. It is built on a 650-acre site. Together, Limerick Unit 1 and Unit 2 produce 2,345 net megawatts (MW) of electricity - enough energy to power more than two million average American homes.

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David Snyder