Ethics and Compliance

Maintaining Ethical Business Conduct


We are driven by our value to “Act with Integrity,” which means we do what is right, we honor our commitments and we are accountable for what we do. To support this, we maintain a comprehensive ethics and compliance program that adapts to evolving risks and guides our purpose to transform our future. Constellation’s Ethics and Compliance Office and business unit compliance departments oversee our adherence to regulatory obligations and conduct various annual risk assessments of compliance risks across our company. 

Code of Business Conduct

Constellation’s Code of Business Conduct (Code) applies to all employees, directors, officers, subsidiaries and third parties with which we do business, as applicable, and describes many of our legal and ethical obligations. The Code outlines our core values and covers a variety of topics, such as conflicts of interest, respectful workplace conduct, safety, protecting company assets and confidential information, bribery and corruption, political contributions, and competing with integrity. We also maintain policies against discrimination, harassment and retaliation, and sexual harassment.

All new employees are required to attest to the Code, and all employees receive annual Code training. Additionally, all non-represented employees and Board members are required to complete a certification of compliance questionnaire annually to disclose potential conflicts of interest and certify their understanding of the Code. In 2022, 99 percent of employees completed required training on the Code, and we achieved an average 99 percent completion of the certification of compliance questionnaire.

Learn more about our Ethics and Governance